Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Compliments From Kindergardeners

Just a couple of cute complements I have received from Kindergardeners the past two days.

The first was from Sydney last night at dinner.  Scott was working late, so I cheated on dinner and just heated up canned soup for the kids.  Sydney was sitting eating her Chicken Noodle soup and says, "Mom, you cook the best canned soup.  This is simply delightful."

The second came via another mother who's son is in Sydney's class.  Apparently they saw me in line at the grocery store the other day and the son said to his mom,  "That's Sydney's mom up there, she's most beautiful."  

I take my compliments where I can.  

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Who says it doesn't snow in Eastern Alabama?

Snow, glorious snow!

It has been so beautiful to watch the large flakes swirling around in the gray sky.

The kids have had a great time building a snowman, making snow angels and throwing snow balls.  And Mom has had a great time sitting inside watching it all.  Dad had the fun task of playing outside with the kids.

I will down load pictures later!