Friday, July 24, 2009

Company's 'a Comin'

Lots going on with the Zumbiels these days. Sam is pretty much back into the swing of swim team practice and trying not to think about school starting backup. However, one of our new neighbors will be Sams vice principle at Middle School in the fall. We have already discussed with her the fact that Sam wont be able to get away with anything!

Sydney survived her stay in the hospital for her 24 hour fasting test, although it seems just barely. It was very tough on her and she got very nauseous and by the end was tired of being poked and blood sugar tests being done at all hours of the night and day. Test results wont be back until next week, so we should have more information then.

We are excited about company coming. This gives me the push I need to finish digging things out of boxes and putting them where they belong. But mostly, we are looking forward to seeing loved ones that we don't see nearly often enough. Michelle, Jeff, Rachel and Alex will be our first round of guests. They will be arriving next week, and plan to stay about a week. Then in mid August Mom and Elizabeth are planning a visit as well. After that in September Scotts Dad and Step Mom will be coming to see the new house. And last, but not least, Scotts Mom and Step Dad will be coming for a couple of days in October.

It's going to be fun having everyone come visit. Especially now that we have plenty of room for company. We are looking forward to good times, sharing new experiences and seeing exciting things. But most of all seeing the ones we love.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Family Gatherings

I'm slow. Rachel had her blog on the Heagerty Family Reunion up before the reunion was even over. Michelle had hers up yesterday. Both had taken the time and thought into actually taking pictures.
Sonya was joking that when our kids and grandkids and future generations look at the pictures from the reunion that they would be saying "Thats so-and-so. They're dead now." Well, I didn't even bring a camera so I have nothing for future generations to look at. I'm scatter brained that way. It's not that I don't want to take pictures and have treasured memories, it's just that I get caught up in the moment and forget. Too busy visiting to snap pictures.
I guess that over the years I have gotten use to Scott being our family photographer. Since Scott didn't know very many of the Heagerty's before we got there, so I can understand his not thinking of taking pictures either.
So, I have a post with no pictures to attach to help paint the picture of good times, good food and good fellowship.
Rick and Dave recognized me when they arrived. Good thing too because I hadn't seen either one of them since I was a little girl. I couldn't have picked they out of a crowd if asked too. Their sister Sonya, on the other hand, I had seen 13 years ago at my Grandmothers funeral. Sonya is the spitting image of her mother, Aunt Wanda. She has the same infectious laugh and sweet smile. It took me back and I could almost taste and smell Aunt Wanda's blueberry pie.
The weekend was much too short. The late nights and early mornings didn't catch up with me until the 14 hour drive home, and the next day, and the next day.
The family probably wont make these family gatherings a yearly thing. We just aren't that organized. But figuring the good time everyone had, I doubt it will be the last.
And, I'm curious, did Rick and Dave every agree on wether that was their old house or not?