Friday, June 26, 2009

Oh The Drama

After 3 days of fretting and crying and carrying on, Sydney finally relented last night and let me pull her loose tooth.
Tuesday as we were brushing her teeth we discovered the loose tooth. At first she was very proud and showing it off to the hygienist at the dentist office. (We already had our appointments scheduled) And she had to call daddy at work and share the great news with him.
As the day wore on she began to get concerned about what would happen if... What if it falls out while I'm eating? What if it falls out while I'm sleeping.
By Wed. she had pretty much forgotten about it and the day was pretty normal.
Then Thursday as the day got longer, the looser the tooth got and the more upset Sydney became. It had wiggled into a strange spot and had become very painful. This set off a couple of hours of screaming and crying and fit throwing. I'm sure it was just from the pain, but after so long it was beginning to get annoying. The mother side of me wanted to console her and make her feel better. The frustrated human side of me just wanted to yank that thing out and stop all the madness. (I know, a bad mother moment) But, at last we convinced her that pulling it would not be nearly as painful as the pain of just having it in there in that weird position. She relented and out it came and the crying stopped immediately.
Oh the fun parenting moments.

Saturday, June 13, 2009


Whew! It's been a while since last I posted. Summer has been a whirlwind of activity.

Scott's Mom Susan and Stepdad Jim came for a 2 week visit. And for those of you who have been around Scott while he is on vacation, you know that he never stops, every moment of every day has to be filled with some sort of sight seeing or learning experience or he sees it as a waste of vacation time. So, needless to say, it was go, go, go.

First we went to Gulf Shores, AL for a few days to "relax" at the beach. Scott's idea of relaxing at the beach is much different than mine. Give me a cold beverage, a book and a deck chair and I am a happy camper. I will admit he was better this time than he normally is.

At some point we went to Warm Springs, GA (was that actually the first thing we did?...can't remember, I've slept since then.) to see the FDR's "Little White House". This was his vacation home where he would go to seek treatment in the springs for effects of the polio he suffered from. This is also where he died.

Oh, in Gulf Shores (or Columbus, sorry I'm skipping all around) we went to a Civil War Naval Museum that was pretty cool. They had an old iron clad on display. Well, it is actually what was left of the iron clad after the North got a hold of it, burned it, set it adrift on the Chattahoocee where it eventually burned to the water line and sank.

Grandma Charlie came down for a weekend to check out the new house and see Susan and Jim whom she hadn't seen since before Sydney was born. We went to Chattanooga, TN and went through the caves and saw Ruby Falls. We went to Rock City on Lookout Mountain, and Scott, the kids, Susan and Jim did the incline railway while Mom and I stayed on level ground and did some shopping and ate a funnel cake.

Now that Grandparents are gone, the kids don't know quite what to do with themselves. They have lost their captive audience. Although next week Sydney will be going to Vacation Bible School with her friend Loralia and Sam is going back to swim practice as well as helping me with some of the moving.

Yes, we will be moving! The closing on the house is set for Monday afternoon. We are sooo excited we can hardly wait.