Friday, February 27, 2009

Where do I begin?  There seems to be a lot going on in the Zumbiel household these days.

Sam is enjoying a new term of Talent Pool at school.  They have finished their study of Greek Mythology and are on to Biology/Anatomy.  A couple of weeks ago they got to dissect a cows eye. Sam really enjoyed it and loved telling his mother and any one else who would listen all the details of said dissection.  Next they get to dissect a cows heart.  This is all right up his alley and he is having a great time with it.

Sydney was selected by her class to be the class student of the month for February.  Yesterday she got to have breakfast with Mr. James the principal.  Today she, along with the other kindergarden students of the month, got to help plant a tree at the school for Arbor day.

Sarah helped clear brush at Sydney's school today for Arbor Day.  There where a lot of other parents helping to clear brush, plant trees, dig holes, build planter beds, move gravel etc.  They even fed the parents lunch!  Sarah is wondering how you can be so sore from working like that, but the body part that hurts the most are her two big toes.

Scott spent a week officiating for the SEC Swimming and Diving Championships.  He had a good time and enjoyed seeing some very talented swimmers compete.

Other than than, there isn't much else.  Still no real news on Sydney getting into an Endocrinologist.  She has an appointment with a Dr in Birmingham on April 23rd.  But we and her Dr. here think that is way too long to wait,  so they are trying to get her in with a new Dr in Columbus, Ga.  We shall see how it all goes. 

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