Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Sydney Update

I know it's late, but we do have (some) news from Sydney's Dr. appt in Birmingham.  This doctor is leaning towards it having been an isolated incident due to the medication and later low numbers due to the residual effects of the medication still in her system.  However, to help put our minds at ease and give us a better understanding of how to treat her when she is sick and not eating to keep her blood sugar levels even, we are going back to the hospital to do another fasting test.  This time they well faster her from between 24 to 48 hours.

The doctor did say that skinny kids (and she and her brother fit that description) tend to be more likely to be Hypoglycemic.  He did agree with the diet we have her on and thinks it is good to keep her on it.  Possibly the diet is making the difference.

Anyway, not really any new news, yet at the same time it is reassuring to know that we are doing things right.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

The light at the end of the tunnel

We can see it.  The light at the end of the tunnel, and it looks glorious.

If you aren't sure what I'm talking about I'll tell you.  The house in Reedsport is (almost) no longer ours.  We signed the final paper work yesterday and sent it UPS back to Oregon.
Hopefully by this time on Friday the home will belong to our friends Robyn and Rowdy Mead. We are so excited that someone we know is buying the house and that they love it and will enjoy it as much as we did.

The house here in Opelika is coming along.  However, most of the work now is being done on the inside so it's hard to tell that much is going on.  They still have the brick work to do on the outside.  Inside they have been doing all the duct work, electrical, plumbing and TV/Internet cables.  By Friday we should have insulation and possibly starting on drywall.  (I say WE as if Scott and I are out there everyday working our butts off.  Haa Haa.  Can you picture Scott with a tool belt?)

Sydney has her doctors appt in Birmingham tomorrow, so I will try to post what we find out tomorrow when we get home (if we have time). 

Friday, April 17, 2009

The laughter of children

I just had to share this with you.

I was up last night at about 2am dealing with a migraine that I had been fighting all day.
Suddenly I hear Sydney just laughing her head off.  (For those of you who know the apartment is very small and the kids room is right next to ours).  I drag myself out of bed to see what in the world has her so amused at 2am, because unlike her brother, she doesn't seem to talk in her sleep).  Anyway, I go in there and she is snoring away.  Apparently her dream was extremely entertaining to make her laugh in her sleep.

It was nice to hear her having a good dream rather than a bad one. 

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Not Just House News

I haven't been keeping daily updates to the progress on the house, but we have been checking on it every day.

Scott and I have been having lunch together at the site and enjoy watching the progress and the workers, they can be pretty entertaining.  We know that our house is being held together with ALOT of nails.  The workers seem to enjoy the nail guns tremendously, I can't say that I blame them, they are a lot of fun.

Some other news going on...Sam had his A honor roll breakfast this morning.  We didn't have any family emergencies to keep us from attending.  We are very proud of all his hard work and that he keeps it up with all his swimming on top of it all.

Sydney is doing well.  She goes to the Dr. in Birmingham next week, so we should hopefully have news then.  Her class is gearing up for their PTO presentation at the end of the month and field trip to the zoo on the 1st of May.

Thats all the news I can think of at the moment!

Saturday, April 11, 2009

A House...Sort Of

This is the progress on the house from the slab we saw at lunchtime on Friday to getting ready to put the roof trusses on Saturday afternoon.  The workers got the trusses up on the roof, but after that called it a day.  

It will be exciting to see what progress will happen on Monday!

Friday, April 10, 2009

The Saga Continues

Here are some more pictures of the on going process on the house.  

Scott is becoming very obsessed, checking in on the site about 3 times a day.  That would be the type A personality coming out.  He says he's not obsessed just excited.  The kids and I are not so sure.  Hopefully they will be able to move quickly on it so Scott can settle down a little.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Our New House

It has been a while since I have updated the blog, so I will fill you in on what has been occupying our time.  We are under contract to sell the house in Reedsport and should close on or around the 17th of this month.  

The other exciting news is that we are having a new house built.  We are making a bad habit of going out to the job site everyday to check the progress.

The kids are very excited and can not wait for the house to be finished so they won't have to share a bedroom anymore.

We hope to be in the new house by the 4th of July, but that all depends on the weather and how quickly the crews can get the job done.

Another exciting thing about the new house is that we will have plenty of room for guests!  (So start making your reservations at Casa Del Zumbiel!  Rooms could go quickly!! Tee Hee).  We would love to keep the extra room booked with family and friends.

I will try to be much better about updating and posting pictures of the building progress.