Wednesday, April 22, 2009

The light at the end of the tunnel

We can see it.  The light at the end of the tunnel, and it looks glorious.

If you aren't sure what I'm talking about I'll tell you.  The house in Reedsport is (almost) no longer ours.  We signed the final paper work yesterday and sent it UPS back to Oregon.
Hopefully by this time on Friday the home will belong to our friends Robyn and Rowdy Mead. We are so excited that someone we know is buying the house and that they love it and will enjoy it as much as we did.

The house here in Opelika is coming along.  However, most of the work now is being done on the inside so it's hard to tell that much is going on.  They still have the brick work to do on the outside.  Inside they have been doing all the duct work, electrical, plumbing and TV/Internet cables.  By Friday we should have insulation and possibly starting on drywall.  (I say WE as if Scott and I are out there everyday working our butts off.  Haa Haa.  Can you picture Scott with a tool belt?)

Sydney has her doctors appt in Birmingham tomorrow, so I will try to post what we find out tomorrow when we get home (if we have time). 

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