Monday, December 29, 2008

It's About Time

First it was Rachel.  Then my mother, followed by my older sister.  It was bound to happen sooner or later.  I couldn't be left out of the loop, so I did as my mother told me to, and have started a blog for our family.

Christmas vacation wouldn't be the ideal time for me to start a blog.  The kids are home and a fight could erupt in the background at any moment.  So, I'm asking myself...why start this now? Just wait a week or so 'til the kids are back in school and the house is quiet.  I don't know is the only answer I can come up with.  Maybe it's a way for me to escape temporarily.  

I love my  children, don't get me wrong, but I have grown use to the silence in the house during the day while they are away.  It didn't always use to be like that.  I use to hate to be alone.  And when I was alone, the TV was always on.  There was always noise.  Now, I have grown to like the silence.  A lot.  Now the noise irritates me.  Is this a sign that I am getting older?  Or am I getting comfortable with who I am?  What ever that case, I like it.  Now a days the TV usually only gets turned on while Scott is home for lunch and we catch up on the shows that got recorded to the DVR the night before, and the rare occasion when I will turn on The Secret Show.  Why do I turn on one of the kids cartoons while they are gone?  No telling.

I have made plans on what to do to make myself more productive when they so back to school and really take advantage of the silence that comes with it.  Start an online craft business is one of them.  The other is to finish the screenplay that is so close to being finished, if I would just apply myself.   Mom keeps asking me if I'm finished with it yet.  When I am finished she will most certainly say...It's about time.


  1. Wow My Friend!We must be on the same page! I just started a 'Face book" account. Did it on accident. Wanted to see a pic of an old daycare kid and when I logged on to view it, it made me a page. Oh well. I guess I couldn't avoid it forever. We're packing up and will be taking off in 2 weeks. I think we have a house. Not giving out the address til its official so I don't jinx it. Love you lots. Give everyone my love. Say hi to your mom for me!

  2. Well, it's about time! I'm so glad you are on here. I'll bet Rachel will be tickled, too, when she finds out. HI, KARA!!!!!

    I'm way behind on my blog, but plan to write on it tonight - if I ever get home.

    Michelle called this morning. They are on their way home from Colorado. Says they had a good time, but we didn't talk long enough for me to get a lot of details.

    Had a good time at Elizabeth's. I'll try to post a photo or two when I sit down at the blog tonight.

    Give Sam and Sydney hugs and kisses for me. I hope they are enjoying their Christmas vacation.

    I'm glad to know you like quiet these days. I think that very much says you are comfortable with who you are.

    I love you all bunches.


  3. Hey! I'm so gald that you started a blog. I love everything you have done. It will be so nice to be able to know what is goin on with you guys. Love you! Rach
