Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Migraines Suck

I was thinking about what to title this post.  Another thought was "I'm just pooped".  That one fits today too.  Last night I had another migraine.  The bad thing about when I get them in the middle of the night, is that it's not just me that stays awake and suffers with them.  Poor Scott has trouble sleeping with all the tossing and turning I do.

So, last night when I got one, Scott wound up moving to the couch and spending the rest of the night there.  I feel bad.  I don't intend to keep him awake, and I try really hard to stay as still as I can.  Sometimes it's just not possible.

The other thing that sucks about migraines is that I'm now not the only one in the house that suffers from them.  Sydney is now having a lot of problems with them too.  I wish there was something I could do to make hers go away forever.  Having suffered myself for over 30 years with them, and considering our long family history of migraines, I fear that is not possible.

Part of me feels responsible for the fact that she gets them.  I know that it's just the roll of the genetic dice that determines these things, but I still feel guilty.  Hopefully there will be a medical breakthrough soon and she won't have to suffer for the rest of her life.

Her doctor has started her on a preventative to see if that will reduce the frequency and severity of them.  It's only been a week now, so only time will tell.  Although, yesterday when I picked Sydney up from school she had a mild headache and she said to me..."I thought the medicine wouldn't let me have anymore headaches."  It's hard to explain to a 6 year old how it all is suppose to work, if the medication does it's job.

Hopefully someday the medical community will figure something out and people won't have to suffer, especially 6 year old little girls who just can't understand why migraines suck.

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