Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Thoughts on Inauguration Day

For some reason I felt compelled to write something on this historic day.  I suppose something profound should be said about how far we have come as a country and yet how much further we still have to go.  But words escape me.  Everyone has different emotions that they are feeling today, some are feeling pride, or caution, joy, or fear.  Scott, the kids and I all feel excitement and hope.

No matter how you personally feel about who is in elected office, I think everyone hopes that that person will do the job to the best of their ability and that the choices they make will be for the good of all.

This all makes you wonder, what's next?  What other barriers will be broken?  What advancements will be made?  And, What will my part be in all of this?  What more will change in my lifetime?


  1. Hey! Look! I can post to your site! Wow!

    I just read Obama's inaugural speech. I think it is great. Noble words. I hope he and we can live up to them.

    I am so proud of you, Sarah. You are such a caring, thinking person. I'm glad you are my daughter.

    Well, this is my lunch hour and I'm at the library. Think I need to go find some food.

    Love you guys.

  2. Have you had any snow days???!!!
