Friday, January 30, 2009

Thank God for Firefighters, EMTs and RNs

I will start out by stating that Sydney is fine and back to normal.  She just stopped our hearts for a while there.

As some of you know and for those of you who don't, Sydney was rushed to the Emergency Room yesterday morning after having suffered an extremely rare and serious side effect from the Beta Blocker she is on as a preventative for her migraines.  We went in to wake her up for school and she was unresponsive, very cold and clammy and drenched in sweat.  Scott called 911 while I tried to get her to open her eyes and respond to me.

After what seemed like hours (although it was only a couple of minutes) we had a fire truck, 2 ambulances, and a police car in  front of our house.  They quickly got to work on her.  It was amazing to me how calm these people could could they with our baby limp and unresponsive on the floor?

They immediately found out that her blood sugar had dropped to a dangerous 20.  All the lead EMT had to say to his fellow responders was "You know what to do." and in a split second 2 of them were out the door and back in a flash with cases of medical equipment and the stretcher was ready to go.  It's amazing how fast they got the IV into her arm and just like that we were heading out the door and on our way to the hospital.

Apparently they don't normally let anyone not a first responder into the ambulance, but bless them for making an exception for this worried Mom.  The thing is, Sydney would have loved all the attention and the fact that she got to ride in an ambulance with the lights and sirens a blaze. But bless her heart she doesn't remember any of it.  We asked her later in the emergency room if she remembered the fire fighters being in our house and she said "Our house was on fire this morning?"

We will never know the names of all the men and women, fire fighters, EMTs and RNs that helped save Sydney on Thursday.  They were all so good and sweet to her and to us.  I'm sure if anyone asked them, they would just say it's their job, it's what they are trained to do, they do it everyday.  But, they don't do it everyday to our baby girl.

So, to all those unknown heros, Thank You! Thank You! Thank God for You all!

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad Sydney is OK now. What a scary ride that was!
